Important Update: We are pleased to announce that Edna Mueller-Markham has assumed the role of President of PGW. More details to follow.

Compu-drape™ 1D for Profile Data

The Compu-Drape1D.GX performs height continuation on aeromagnetic profile data to transform it

The height continuation transforms profile data from the original magnetic field on an arbitrary observation surface to the magnetic field on a new surface of specified height. Its most useful application is to remove the effects of variation in terrain clearance from line-to-line and/or at traverse-tie line intersections.

The Compu-DrapeTM1D GX is designed to perform loose drape or barometric-to-drape transformation as its primary task, so the elevation channel is the magnetic sensor elevation above sea level. The Topography channel is the topography (i.e., sensor terrain clearance above ground subtracted from sensor elevation above sea level). The new observation height value is the desired constant drape height above ground.

To perform a drape-to-barometric transformation, elevation and topography channels change their meaning. The elevation channel is now a channel of the sensor terrain clearance (i.e., the radar altimeter channel). The topography channel is sea level (i.e., the channel contains constant values of 0). The new observation height value is the serried constant barometric altitude above sea level.

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