Our Vision

PGW aims to be your go-to for all things geophysics!
Paterson, Grant & Watson Limited (PGW) is a world-renowned firm that provides consulting, project management, quality assurance/quality control, data processing, interpretation and training services. With 50 years of experience in mining, oil & gas, and environmental applications, PGW integrates geophysical datasets with geology to provide compelling results that deliver both direct and indirect targeting for our clients.
With over 750 airborne and ground projects globally of all sizes of companies and organizations over 50 years of existence, we have the knowledge and experience to help you find your next discovery!
An Innovative History
Paterson, Grant & Watson Limited was established in 1973 by Norman Patterson, Fraser Grant, and Roger Watson. Since its inception, PGW has established a world-renowned reputation for providing geophysical consulting services across all specialties, and still remains one of the most respected companies in the exploration geophysics industry. PGW's work has sent its professionals to dozens of countries across six continents performing quality control, data processing, interpretation, and much more!
From the 1980s to early 2000s, PGW was integral to the computational geophysics revolution by developing the roots of what would become Geosoft Inc., today an industry-leading geophysics/geochemistry/GIS software system. Geosoft's Oasis Montaj software - originating at PGW by two former employees - is still considered the premier software used by Geophysicists for magnetic and electromagnetic processing, as well as geophysical gridding and mapping. Following the formation of Geosoft Inc., PGW subsequently developed and implemented many industry-standard extensions for Oasis Montaj including Microlevelling, Keating Coefficient, Source Parameter Imaging, and Source Edge Detection.
PGW is currently on its third ownership team comprising of Stephen Reford and Edna Mueller-Markham, who took over as President and Vice-President, respectively, in March 2016. The core PGW team includes four senior geophysicists one staff geophysicist, who together collaborate using their respective area of expertise to provide detailed and unique solutions on projects around the globe. PGW currently offers services encompassing everything except for the data acquisition. Find out more about our services here.