Technical Training

PGW has a long and prestigious history of providing training in data processing and interpretation around the world

Ali Latrous in Togo giving training on geophysical interpretation for the Direction Générale des Mines et de la Géologie (DGMG), 2022

Peter Tshirhart and Skyler Mallozzi in Abuja, Nigeria providing technical training on magnetic and radiometric quality control, data processing, and geophysical interpretation for the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, 2022

Our current team of Geophysicists have undertaken multiple training missions to geological surveys and institutes, both in-person and remotely. Our training programs typically involve a combination of lectures and workshops, with strong hand’s-on component when possible. We integrate data from the respective project into our workshops which makes the training content relatable to the trainees. This is the basis of how we gained our world-renowned reputation for technical training.

Recently, our team of Geophysicists have performed technical training sessions for various projects including:

  • A large-scale interpretation project in Sierra Leone, in-person, 2019
  • A large-scale interpretation project in Northern Botswana, online and in-person, 2021
  • A geophysical interpretation project for the Direction Générale des Mines et de la Géologie in Togo, in-person, 2022
  • A large-scale airborne survey for the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency in Nigeria, in-person, 2022
  • A geophysical interpretation project for Instituto Nacional de Minas de Moçambique, in-person, 2023

Below are the countries and locations that PGW has done training in the last 20 years.

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  • PGW aims to be your partner in discovery using geological knowledge to enhance and constrain the geophysical interpretation of your data.
    - PGW